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Feb 5, 2023

Turkish Baklava From Aleppo to Gaziantep, Guinness World Records and World Tables

As an integrated beehive, 100 people work in the famous "Karakoy Guluoğlu" factory in Istanbul; For the production of baklava, the most popular dessert in Turkey

Turkish baklava has spread with its delicious taste, which has succeeded in attracting tourists and visitors, as well as Turkish citizens, who consider it their favorite dessert.

Baklava is not absent from the celebrations and events of the Turks, it is even given as gifts, and friends are invited to eat it in restaurants among themselves.

It is not strange for a visitor to Turkey to carry quantities of it to his country, where he sees it as a valuable gift that can be presented to his friends and relatives.

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From Aleppo to Gaziantep

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Turkish citizen, Mehmet Gulu, was able to transport this kind of sweets from the Syrian city of Aleppo, to Gaziantep in southern Turkey, and from there to the whole country and the world.

Karakoy Goluoğlu's baklava is considered the most famous and delicious in Turkey, and its factory is the first of its kind in the world, which is run by "Nadir Goluoglu", of the fifth generation of the family

With an elaborate process, pastry makers spread the baklava dough sheets, which undergo a good examination before placing them in trays and filling them before placing them in special ovens. They are cut and then syrup (molten water with sugar) is added to them, so that they are ready to be eaten and sold.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Guluoğlu said that he is "following the process (stages) of making baklava, which he inherited from his ancestors in Karakoy, Istanbul."

He added, "Making baklava is a real art, and we preserve it. We make about twenty different items, all of which are suitable even for diabetics and heart patients."

According to Nader, many Arab and foreign tourists flock to buy it, "and this is something that makes me really happy."

He continues: "My grandfather was born in Istanbul, and during his trip to Mecca (in Saudi Arabia), he passed through the city of Aleppo (Syria), and saw baklava there."

“My grandfather liked its look and taste, so he took it to Gaziantep and we started making it to this day,” adds Nader.

"My father moved to our shop in Karakoy, Istanbul. Today, I am in the fifth generation (of the family) and have been working for 45 years," he continues.

After the death of Haji Mehmet Gulu, who was known as the first seller of baklava in Turkey, his wife, Gulu, continued making sweets at home, and sent them to her children for sale in the market, which is why she was called “Guluoğlu” (Gulu’s Sons).

In 1949, Mustafa Gulu, the grandson of Haji Mehmet, opened the first baklava shop in the Karakoy district of Istanbul, and since then this shop, known by the same name, has been operating.

It offers many types such as plain baklava, baklava with pistachios, walnuts, or dates, baklava with chocolate, burma, and other sweets, as well as delicious pies stuffed with cheese, spinach, olives and minced meat.

Historically, the method of making baklava was recorded in the kitchen of the Topkapi Palace, in which Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror lived in 1473 AD, where it was served at parties and events in all the states of the Ottoman Empire.

Years later, the layers of baklava were made more delicate and more pistachios were placed between their thin layers.

Turks set a record for the largest tray of baklava in the world

Turkish sweets producers set a Guinness World Record by preparing the world's largest Chinese baklava, weighing 515 kilograms.

This came on the sidelines of their participation in the third International Tourism and Food Art Exhibition in March 2018, in the Turkish capital, Ankara.

A representative of the Guinness Book of Records announced the success of the Turks participating in preparing the largest Chinese baklava in the world.

In an interview with Anatolia, "Muhammad Kanpur", Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Turkish company "Mado" Sweets and Food, said that they supported the experience of the record tray of baklava, which lasted 3 months.

Kanpur indicated that the aim of this step is to register Turkish baklava worldwide, which has been widely popular since the Ottoman era.

For his part, the general manager of the Turkish company, Atila Kanpur, confirmed the participation of specialists in the production of sweets from various Turkish states in preparing the huge baklava tray.

Kanbour explained that the tray is 7.5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide, and includes 11,800 pieces of baklava, expressing his happiness about setting the record.

Baklava for vegetarians

Baklava, one of the most famous Turkish sweets and perhaps the most popular in the country, has recently undergone a transformation process that has removed animal elements to become suitable for vegetarians.

Omer Chalabi Ogolari, a baklava expert, said his company was able to produce a vegetarian baklava that is identical in color and presentation to the traditional non-vegetarian model. He said the demand for vegan baklava is on the rise as they receive new orders every week.

He added that he is glad that vegetarians can now taste this popular Turkish dessert. Noting that many vegetarian customers asked his company to come up with an innovative solution.

He added, "There is no butter in the vegetable baklava, and we use coconut oil instead. We don't add milk or eggs to the dough. We try to keep the dough as thin as possible and roll it out in layers with great care."

Purple baklava for diabetics

An innovative pastry maker from Erzurum, eastern Turkey, has produced a colorful baklava that is low in sugar and sweetened with natural fruits that outperforms traditional Turkish baklava with its amazing purple color and compatibility with the needs of diabetics.

Using purple cabbage, berries, figs and other violet ingredients, Salami H, a 28-year-old confectioner, has been able to make healthy baklava dough and bring joy to those who suffer from diabetes or those who do not want to eat regular sugars due to its harmful degree The first is weight gain.

Rich in color and unique flavour, the purple baklava is made by drying some colorful fruits and vegetables, crushing them and mixing them with flour and salt to get a dough. After the dough flakes are spread with a filling made of peanuts instead of pistachios or walnuts between its layers, and instead of syrup that contains sugar, the boiled sweet fruit emulsion is used to sweeten the baklava after it has been baked.

Salami H explained that within a few hours of baking the sugar-free baklava, the prepared quantity runs out because its taste is popular with customers of all ages, and because Turkish people are fond of sweets. This baklava is also sold not only in Erzurum but in other states and cities across the country.

“Violet bread is specially made for diabetics,” he said, adding that based on the ingredients of this bread, he conducted research to produce the right mix of natural ingredients and achieve the perfect consistency and colour. As well as preparing the syrup made from natural violet fruits. The Ministry of Health has also approved the consumption of this type of baklava by diabetics.

H makes daily 120-130 trays of healthy baklava. And that he doubles his production and works day and night before the holidays to meet the overwhelming demands on him.

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