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Feb 5, 2023

Types of Residence Permits in Turkey

During the past few years, Turkey has witnessed a real renaissance in all political, economic and social fields, this was reflected in all sectors and contributed to its prosperity and development. As a result of this development, a large number of people began to go to Turkey for various purposes such as study, work, or even housing and living. Stability in Turkey makes it an ideal place for all of these. However, the most important thing now is how to obtain residence permit in Turkey? What are the types of residence in Turkey? Is the residence by which a student reside in Turkey the same as the one of businessman? Or a family? Are there exceptions or facilities? Below we will mention the types of residence permits in Turkey and how to obtain them.

Types of residence permit in Turkey:

Types of residence permits in Turkey vary according to the purpose, as well as their duration and method of applying for them. However, the types of residence permits in Turkey, with their different titles, are easy to apply for and in most cases are subjected to renewal.

Family residence permit in Turkey:

Family residence permit is considered the easiest type of residence in permits Turkey. A person can obtain family residence permit when he/she marries a Turkish citizen. According to this marriage contract, he/she obtains a residence permit whose duration varies from one to two years, and subjected to renewable. However, after three years of marriage to a Turkish citizen, you will be able to apply for Turkish citizenship and enjoy its many advantages.

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Work residence permit in Turkey:

Many people go to Turkey in order to work, due to its diverse work fields, whether professions and crafts or office work. This has created many job opportunities for foreigners. However, there are some conditions that must be met, in addition to some documents that must be obtained in order to apply for work residence permit in Turkey.

It is necessary for the company that wants to recruit foreign employees to obtain work permits for each one of them from the Ministry of Labor, after obtaining this permission, an application must be made to obtain a work permit. Likewise, any company wishing to supplement its staff with a foreign employee must to employ five Turkish citizens for every foreign person.

As for official paper and documents that a worker or employee must submit to obtain this type of residence permit in Turkey, they are four photos and a copy of the passport, which must be translated by a sworn translator and certified by a notary, in addition to obtaining a health insurance document, and a tax number, which is considered necessary and essential for carrying out any transaction in Turkey. It is extracted from any tax firm in Turkey and does not take a long time. It is also necessary to submit a document or proof of the place of residence and the property in which you reside within Turkey.

One of the advantages of work residence permit in Turkey is that once you obtain it, you can add your family including the wife and children, so that they can enjoy its benefits as well. This type of residence permit also qualifies its holder to benefit from the health insurance system in Turkey. Most importantly, the work permit qualifies its holder to apply for Turkish citizenship after 5 years.

Real estate residence permit in Turkey:

Many foreigners buy real estate in Turkey for various purposes; some of them want to invest in real estate in Turkey, as the Turkish real estate sector in becoming one of the most successful and safest investments, some want to buy a property to spend summer vacations in Turkey, and some of them want to buy Real estate to obtain Turkish citizenship through real estate investment. 

However, there is a category of investors who buy a property in Turkey in order to obtain a real estate residence permit. It is worth noting that the Turkish government raised the ceiling of the property that qualifies for real estate residence permit to $200,000 for all Turkish states. In the past, you could obtain real estate residence permit by purchasing a property for $75,000 in the larger states and $50,000 in the smaller states. It is also required that the property be ready-to-move, not under construction. The new law on real estate residence permit has entered into force since November 2023. In all cases, the duration of this kind of residence permits is one year that is subjected to renewal. Yet, what distinguishes this type of real estate is that 5 years later its owner can apply for Turkish citizenship.

 Tourists residence permit in Turkey:

The duration of this residence permit ranges from one to two years, and you can apply for it through an application in the Immigration and Passports Department. The chance of obtaining it is very high. After submitting the necessary documents, the process becomes very easy and does not take a long time. Tourist residence permit is relatively inexpensive, renewable, and qualifies children to enter public schools and without any difficulties or other consequences. Its owner can also leave Turkey and return to it again without any problems as long as the residence permit is valid.

 Study residence permit in Turkey:

As the title suggests, this type of residence permits is obtained by foreign students who wish to complete their education in Turkey, regardless of their level of education, whether for a bachelor’s degree, master’s, or even a doctorate. A student who holds study residence permits receives many discounts, including public transportation, entry to tourist places, and sometimes malls and restaurants. It is worth noting that foreign students who achieve academic excellence or obtain a patent are not easily dispensed with by the Turkish government, but may even be nominated to obtain Turkish citizenship.

You can learn more about all types of residence permits in Turkey, how to apply for it, and what are the necessary documents for each of them by contacting us via WhatsApp, here. Your inquiries will be answered as soon as possible.





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